Tugulab Blog.

Installing Swift 3.0 developer preview on a Raspberry Pi 2/3 with Ubuntu 16.04

We have a sexy Raspberry Pi 2/3 with Ubuntu 16.04 installed, like explained here. Now we want to install Swift 3.0 development preview into…
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We have a sexy Raspberry Pi 2/3 with Ubuntu 16.04 installed, like explained here. Now we want to install Swift 3.0 development preview into it.

Luckily, the Swift ARM team has setup a Jenkins daily build. We just need to fetch the archive and extract it.

Open the Swift ARM Jenkins page and copy the url of the build (something like http://swift-arm.ddns.net/job/Swift-3.0-Pi3-ARM-Incremental/), then replace it into the following commands.

cd ~
wget http://ARCHIVE-NAME.tar.gz
sudo tar -xzpf ARCHIVE-NAME.tar.gz -C /

With the latest command we’ve extracted the archive in the root directory.

Now do you want to control the Raspberry Pi GPIOs pins with Swift? Go to then next article.